Feeling Stitchy Stitchalong

Feeling Stitchy hosts a stitchalong each month, with different themes. Often it’s a pattern that everyone embroiders in their own way. This month it was about embellishing printed fabric with embroidery. That’s something I’d been wanting to try for a while, so I went to Jo-Ann’s and looked at the fat quarters, picked out a black and white piece on which to embroider colored details, and went to work.

…except that project seemed insurmountably big and didn’t really hold my attention. I had given up hope on participating in the stitchalong until this weekend, when I was pondering the upcoming employee art fair at work. I would like to submit something, but the deadline is a week from today and has to include a photo of the piece. With nothing begun nine days before the deadline, what could I possibly accomplish?

Answer: a small art quilt. By small, I mean six inches square. The thoughts flowed while I ironed prewashed remnants Saturday morning, and while the original idea I pulled fabric for was not the one I settled on, I was decided by that afternoon.

Of course stitching didn’t start until Sunday afternoon. It was a perfect Irene-rain activity. The quilt isn’t done, of course, but here are the first two bits of embroidery.

orange orange

I started with a fun tropical orange fabric with dotted-line drawings and just stitched along the lines and doodled in the open spaces. Next I chose a classic pink and indigo fabric and embossed its design.

purple/pink purple/pink

The quilt is likely to include bits from the following fabrics as well:

the selection