Miff Miffler

If you were wondering why my first needle felting project was just a green and yellow blob, here’s your answer. We attend a weekly movie night, and after the show there is usually a contest. Often the contest involves drawing or writing the answer to a question, and one week (for a question which might have been about what precipitated WWIII in that night’s movie), Matt drew the following:

Miff Miffler

This cat was originally labeled “Miff Miffer” but by popular demand (read: how everyone remembered it) it was changed to “Miff Miffler”. One of the movie night organizers later named his wireless network Miff Miffler, and now he even has a Facebook page.

I’ve been wanting to make a plush Miff Miffler ever since, and after scaling back to a much smaller and less-perfected version than originally planned I was able to make one for Matt for Christmas. Here he is licking the Christmas tree.

miff on tree

His legs are big and wonky and his face and head aren’t quite proportioned right, but for something I made with a limited number of drafts I’m pretty happy with him. He’s made of acrylic felt and fiberfill. Gussets in his upper back and lower belly help give him the potato shape of the original, and his eyes are made with a rounded, short-tailed fly stitch. Actually several of them, on top of each other. The layers of his ears are glued together as well as sewn into the head together.

miff back miff front

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