Hooks on parade

I crochet primarily in a recliner in my living room, with a small end table next to me and a lamp on each side. There’s not a lot of room, and the floor around the chair is covered with yarn, patterns, and notebooks. A rectangular tin that originally held fancy soap sits open on the end table, the body filled with reserved and leftover embroidery floss, the lid with current materials – including hooks. The steel ones disappear inside, and the aluminum ones stick out at one end. All of them catch on things and go missing periodically.

When I first learned how to knit, several years ago, I made needle and hook cases out of wool and calico. I still think they’re among the most attractive functional objects I’ve sewn:

cases, closed cases, open

However, they leave a little to be desired when it comes to accessibility. I quit knitting because it always felt like a chore, but the hook case has stuck around (and will continue to indefinitely, for travel purposes). If I ever pick up Afghan/Tunisian crochet the needle case will be useful for those hooks.

More recently I crocheted a lemon and stuffed it firmly with yarn ends to use as a pincushion.

lemon pincushion

Unfortunately, blunt needles have quite a time with it, and even the sharp pins can’t be inserted just any which way.

Then I found the Tower of Babel. This is the answer to my dreams: a long tapered strip, rolled into a tiered cylinder. Between the tiers you can insert hooks, needles, pins, even scissors, storing them visibly and at hand with a very small footprint. Certainly I still expect the current hook(s) to be lying around on the end table, but my most commonly-used hooks (E, F, and the 2.75mm steel) can live there. I made it in a day. As a bonus, I was able to use some wonderful cotton yarn whose colors haven’t worked for amigurumi.

tower, pre-rolling Tower of Babel

Fabric Files

I am here to confess to everyone that I have a problem with remnants. Sure, I do small quilting projects and make fabric coasters and other items that use only remnant-sized amounts of fabric, but I have far more in my stash than I will use up any time soon, and I look through the remnants every time I’m in a fabric store. My sewing room has a chincy four-drawer dresser in it, with a pressboard body and plastic drawer runners, and formerly I simply stacked folded fabric in the drawers. A while ago when I got it all out to look through and put it back, to take advantage of the space I had some vertically-positioned fabric in between two stacks. Later, when looking for fabric, I thought “this is much easier to look through. I should store it all this way.”

And so, next time I went to look through all of it, I did!

fabric stored like file folders in drawers

It is so much easier to find things, and to know what I have available. Now I just need a way to store spools of thread so I can see the colors, and yet not have them in the light. Suggestions?